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Catalyst Card Wolverine

A wolverine, lazying playfully in a tree.
The Gulo gulo is an excellent example for the power of perception. In German, it is rarely called “Bärenmarder” (bear marten) but “Vielfrass” which means “eats a lot”. Some think this is because these animals stockpile prey. Which is quite an intelligent strategy. And plausible, as the Gulo gulo prefers cold regions.

However, instead of appreciating an intelligent survival strategy under difficult circumstances, we designate this animal with a name that implies greediness. And such associations can be very strong. It’s how branding works. Which has its uses. And its downsides.

Example … green packaging implies the product within is eco-friendly. Is it? And what does eco-friendly mean, exactly?

A word cloud, describing perception.

Inspiration / Catalyst / Tip

Be careful using designations. Choose them carefully. And do take your time to question them. What’s behind the scenes? That’s especially helpful when you want to learn from nature. There’s always, really always, more to it. Ask any biomimicry expert 🙂

📷 Gulo gulo picture by litolka via